Sea to Shining Sea

Learning through Stewardship


Living to Conserve

As observed by G.K. Chesterton in Commonwealth:

“Our society is so abnormal that the normal man never dreams of having the normal occupation of looking after his own property. When he chooses a trade, he chooses one of the ten thousand trades that involve looking after other people’s property.”

Conservationist Efforts

  • Sustainable Housing

    In response to increases in poverty and homelessness, Aurelia seeks to develop a program to teach students how to use green practices in creating new, affordable households

  • Agricultural Management

    Aurelia takes as its symbol all Western origins: a Catholic Cross, wreathed by Greek laurels, supported by a trident for the Trifunctional Hypothesis, whose three social classes unite at the cross’s base to represent society’s sacrifice for the future.

  • Water & Energy

    Aurelia is inspired by Catholic social teachings, and thus seeks a future tied to land, family, and God in the hopes of changing the guiding principle of society, via education, to salus populi suprema lex; or, “the health of the people is the supreme law”.

Conserving to Live

As asserted by Sir Roger Scruton:

“We do not merely study the past: we inherit it, and inheritance brings with it not only the rights of ownership, but the duties of trusteeship…Things fought for and died for should not be idly squandered. For they are the property of others, who are not yet born.”

Educational Stewardship

  • Homestead Education

    Most children are disconnected from the source of their own food. Aurelia seeks to develop local programs meant to introduce students to these networks and practices

  • Agricultural Training

    Cheap or free texts, assignments, assessments, and lesson plans provide access to a customizable model of learning for students to engage in a classical education at their own pace

  • Park Programs

    All humans have faith in something, but in modern times this is often rejected; in this vacuum, Aurelia seeks to rebuild the socio-economic networks necessary to renew faith in God