
Through Night, Unto Dawn

Mission: To save the world through a free, holistic education rooted in beauty - of the heart, mind, body, soul

Vision: To manifest through faith, art, and education a healthy, sustainable future for man and nature alike, guiding distinct yet interrelated communities out of a materialistic night unto a more beautiful dawn.

  • Our Name

    Aurelia is a derivation of the Latin word meaning “golden,” referring to the belief that a better era will emerge after the Dark Night of Modern materialism. Thus, its mantra: per noctem, ad auroram; or, “through night, unto dawn.”

  • Our Symbol

    Aurelia takes as its symbol all Western origins: a Catholic Cross, wreathed by Greek laurels, supported by a trident for the Trifunctional Hypothesis, whose three social classes unite at the cross’s base to represent society’s sacrifice for the future.

  • Our Vision

    Aurelia is inspired by Catholic social teachings, and thus seeks a future tied to land, family, and God in the hopes of changing the guiding principle of society, via education, to salus populi suprema lex; or, “the health of the people is the supreme law”.

Hints of Aurelia

From Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Lecture in 1972:

“Dostoevsky once let drop an enigmatic remark: ‘Beauty will save the world.’ What is this? For a long time it seemed to me simply a phrase. How could this be possible? When in the bloodthirsty process of history did beauty ever save anyone, and from what?

“But a true work of art carries its verification within itself…if the all too obvious and the overly straight sprouts of Truth and Goodness have been crushed, cut down, or not permitted to grow, then perhaps the whimsical, unpredictable, and ever surprising shoots of Beauty will force their way through and soar up…fulfilling the task of all three.

“Could not then art and literature in a very real way offer succor to the modern world?”

Rediscovering Beauty

Education, the Aurelian Way

  • Reject Mass Schooling

    The globalized, one-size-fits-all model rooted in 20th Century industry; seeks mass production of laborers through passive classes meant to convey the information necessary for a homogenized, secular work force

  • Adopt Holistic Learning

    Aurelia’s model, inspired by Montessori and rooted in 21st Century flexibility; seeks student fulfillment through a personalized curriculum meant to teach the faith, art, and skills necessary for maintaining health, home, and heritage

Our Obstacles

Mass Schooling for a Material Culture

  • Unaccountable Bureacracies

    Public school administrations grew 88% from 2000-19, compared to 8% student growth and 9% teacher growth (link)

    Society now reflects the opaque hierarchies of academia as graduates replicate the organizational model that raised them

  • Aging Infrastructure

    Over half of districts admit to the need of multiple building systems; 40% don't have a plan for long-term maintenance (link)

    Eroding facilities reflect eroding standards in and out of the classroom, demoralizing workers to merely manage that decline

  • Intellectual Stagnation

    About half of students began 2022-23 behind grade level in at least one subject, up from 39% before the pandemic (link)

    Mass schooling once trained factory workers; with many careers now obsolete, students learn opinions rather than skills

  • Population Decline

    By idealizing career over family within educational programs, over 25 societies will halve in population by 2100 (link)

    Schools separate children from families, socializing them to prioritize material success over cultural and familial health

Our Solutions

Holistic Learning for a Healthy Culture

  • Primary Texts

    To better the world, one must understand the world. As such, Aurelia offers the texts necessary for a new generation to learn of their past, that they might better understand how to write their future.

    Explore our FREE classics library:

  • Skill Development

    Worldwide infrastructure is aging beyond repair and must be replaced. The skills to do so are no longer taught in classrooms, but Aurelia seeks to recover these so as to train a new generation to do just that.

    Explore our FREE training programs:

  • Customizable Education

    Opposed to the degrading one-size-fits-all model of mass schooling, Aurelia offers a curriculum for learners to progress at their own pace in the subjects which most interest them.

    Explore our FREE K-12 lessons plans:

  • Natural Stewardship

    To learn, one must not only study but act; thus, Aurelia seeks to create a mode by which students can use their hands to manage and conserve natural resources in an age of urbanized pollution.

    Explore our Conservation strategies: